Our Wholesale Mission Statement


Our Wholesale Mission

We work hard to pursue and provide the very best specialty coffee available and we strive to achieve sustainability and transparency in all of our relationships.  The promise of transparency and education is the foundation of all our wholesale partners.  Specialty coffee can be complicated but we promise to make it easy for you!  All of our wholesale partners – from specialty coffee cafes to small bakeries-  receive the same free training and ongoing support.  All we ask is that our customers pledge to brew and prepare their coffee according to the guidelines of the Specialty Coffee Association.  Don’t worry!  We promise to get you there and keep you there!


Our wholesale partners pledge to us:


  • Weekly orders to ensure freshness
  • Attend and take full advantage of our various free Professional Development programs
  • Brew within all Specialty Coffee guidelines
  • Call us immediately if something needs adjusting- we are coffee super heroes and will fly to your rescue
  • Have fun crafting amazing coffee and espresso drinks!


Flight Coffee Co’s pledge to its wholesale customers:


  • Free and robust ongoing training and support from our coffee instructors certified through the Specialty Coffee Association
  • Our wholesale club is exclusive- we reserve wholesale partnership to customers who are passionate about brewing the perfect cup of coffee or espresso
  • Barista training in your house and/or ours
  • Brew recipes (dose and grind) for every brew device under the sun
  • A coffee selection that follows the natural cycle of coffee crops-fresh green coffee (no coffee in house will be sold if it is rendered past crop
  • Free delivery to partners located within 60 minutes of our roasting lab in Bedford
  • All ordered coffee will be roasted and delivered/shipped on the same day or day after roasting. Freshness is imperative! (Monday-Friday)
  • Specialty Coffee Culture- nonstop.
  • Biannual planned coffee events at your café
  • If you so desire, a customized House Blend that is exclusive to you

Wholesale customers exclusive to Flight Coffee, receive a free hard and electronic copy of our Coffee Knowledge Training Manual and Brew Guidelines Manual.  Don’t pay to be trained.  We promise to get you fluent and exceptional in specialty coffee.

Course Offerings:

Coffee Knowledge- From Seed to Cup

The Science of Brewing- Basic Barista Training

Fundamentals of Espresso (level 1)

Fundamentals of Espresso (level 2)

*Free of Charge to customers who exclusively serve Flight Coffee

Managing or Upgrading Equipment Selection:

We are happy to provide a list of what we find to be the best brew equipment available.  Our list will include equipment top picks for each price range. 

Equipment providers we trust:  Espresso Parts, Seattle Coffee Gear, Prima Coffee

Our Top Equipment Picks:

Batch Brewer: Fetco or Curtis

Grinders: Mahlkoenig, Mazzer, Baratza

Espresso Machine: La Marzocco

We Are Happy to Provide Ongoing Consultation on Designing and/or Improving Bar Set up:

If you have the chance please visit our flagship café in Dover, NH.  Flight Coffee Dover, now locally owned, was completely designed and launched by Flight Coffee Co.  Organized planning and development of bar flow is key to a café’s success.

A successful specialty café represents and integrates its concept and brand into a space known as “behind the counter”. A hip interior is very cool but limiting; important to the customer’s experience are stellar customer service, a consistent product, efficiency in operation and flow.  If the equipment behind the bar is set up and positioned properly, it will ensure your team stays in sync and this flow will create an amazing customer service experience. integrates everything the brand represents into a three-dimensional space—not just a cool interior, but great customer service, a great product, smart and efficient operations and a powerful identity brought to life through branding and innovative graphics. Everything works together to create something even bigger. Everything behind the bar is dependent and interdependent on the whole of the system.


Our Third Wave Roasting Philosophy:


The beauty of our roasting is in the nuance of our coffees. Sure we roasters like to fancy ourselves as alchemical wizards- keepers of Hermeticism and all of that, but the reality is coffee roasting is a skill akin to calligraphy or any fine art. The more you practice the more beautiful the form.

As a third wave coffee company, we seek to highlight and capture the character of our carefully chosen green coffee. It is our job to lovingly create a consistent and gentle roast cycle, accentuating what makes a particular varietal or farm exciting. Every minute the coffee is roasting is contingent upon the minute before. It is like a great sonnet or symphony and as passionate as we are about the roasting cycle’s never-ending prequel, at the end of the day, we want the roast to become transparent. We have done our job correctly if after each sip of our coffee, all that is revealed is the coffee’s uniquely crafted celebrated cup profile.

Our Storied Coffee


A really amazing cup of coffee tells a story of connection. We love a good back story. Sure brewed coffee is a sensual experience in and of itself but before it reaches the mug, that coffee traveled an intricate and exacting path. We like to call it the great coffee chain of custody. Every step is important, from the ripeness of coffee cherries when picked, to the way the coffee is milled and dried, to the way it is shipped to our roasting plant, to the way we lovingly roast it and yes right down to the way it is brewed by you, our knowledgeable wholesale partners. Due to the delicate balance of specifics, we must be vigilant – we must seek out direct and transparent relationships with coffee growing professionals throughout the world. Instead of simply labeling our coffee as “sustainable,” we have chosen to tell the whole story. We love talking about the uniqueness of each coffee. This way, we promise that each bag of Flight Coffee Co purchased was hand crafted with excellence at all stages, from cherry to cup. Directness and transparency are important to us. From day one we have been committed to buying coffee that is as closely aligned with our values as possible. We are pretty excited to have you, our wholesale partner, be part of our storied, celebrated coffees.





Lift Off Espresso | milk chocolate, and cherry*

Moonshot Espresso | chocolate nougat and caramel*

Papua New Guinea AA - Kuta | washed | blood orange and pepper

Guatemala Union Cantinil | raspberry and nougat

Decaf Brazil | Swiss Water Process | stout, chocolate




Burundi FW IWCA |  chocolate and red fruits

Honduras Finca El Pino | concord grape and sugarcane

Ethiopia Amaro Gayo | dry processed | blueberry, strawberry, blackberry, and rhubarb

Ethiopia Deri Kochere | floral, chocolate



Reserve coffee and miro-lots (especially Kenya) reside here.  We find these coffees are best showcased as a marquis pour over coffee.



*these are blends and as crops are seasonal, components of these blends will change from time to time.  We do our best to match the profile.  If an espresso blend changes, we are happy to come in and help you dial it in- our support is free of charge.  We are strongly partnered and we want you brewing the best coffee humanly possible!


We are happy to create a house blend for you, but the same guidelines as above follow.  We are trained to ensure your house blend is consistent.  The coffees we may have to replace from time to time will be very similar.  It is best to use fresh green and we pledge to do so!  We often suggest you use a single origin coffee as your anchor batch brew for 3 months at a time.  Rotating it keeps things interesting, fun and will put your on the specialty coffee map!


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